gollum version5
概要 個人wikiのgollumのversionを4.1.4 to 5.0.1 にupdate ver4のままだと動かないので色々直す必要がある https://github.com/scepter914/gollum_files の対応 参考 https://github.com/gollum/gollum/wiki/5.0-release-notes 基
このページは ロボット系に参考になるかもしれない作業日誌の書き方の2ページ目 実際にどういう手順で作業日誌を残しているか、について 以下の一例はm
このページは ロボット系に参考になるかもしれない作業日誌の書き方の1ページ目 実験報告書、作業日誌を残す個人的な思想について なぜ作業日誌を書くの
概要 作業日誌(実験の作業ログ)の書き方についてのポエム 今までロボコン・研究等でロボットを使った実験をやってきて、個人的にはこういう作業日誌を
概要 ブログって銘打ってるのに技術忘備録しか書いてないからたまにはね。 リモートワークに適応するのにひいこらひいこら言っていたこの3か月のできご
Adaptive Visual Shock Absorber with Magslider
Summary Researched at http://ishikawa-vision.org/fusion/Magslider/index-e.html concept control strategy In this study, a visual shock absorber capable of adapting to free-fall objects with various weights and speeds is designed and realized. An experiment was conducted for the receiving of balls in free-fall and the adaptive shock absorber succeeded in adaptively receiving the light wood ball with different velocities. To realize an adaptive visual shock absorber, the framework using three elements were developed.
磁石歯車を用いた直動機構 ''Magslider'' による高速衝撃吸収制御
Summary http://ishikawa-vision.org/fusion/Magslider/index-j.html における成果 concept control strategy 本研究ではしなやかな制御を目指して、磁石歯車を用いた直動機構"Magslider"による高速衝撃吸
Summary http://ishikawa-vision.org/fusion/UAVdelivery/index-j.htmlにおける成果 無人航空機
High speed supply station for UAV delivery system
Summary Researched at http://ishikawa-vision.org/fusion/UAVdelivery/index-e.html Although research on physical distribution using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has seen increasingly significant interest, the task of automatically loading a parcel onto a UAV has not been researched adequately. In this study, to design an automatic UAV delivery system, we achieved the task of non-stop handover of a parcel to an airborne UAV. For the handover task, we developed a novel tracking system with high-speed, multi-camera vision using cameras with different frame rates.
Page layout collapse in gollum ver5
Error For user of custom css gollum –css When gollum updates from version 4 to version5, page layout collapses In particular, _Sidebar is very narrow and rendored in left side. How to fix delete cashe on browser When using Google chrome, Ctrl-f5 Reference Other information of gollum ver5.0 https://github.com/gollum/gollum/wiki/5.0-release-notes